Best Ways To Reduce BELLY Fat At Home In 15 Days.

Are you having a hard time trying to fit into the dress you bought last year? Is stomach fat giving you trouble sleeping? If yes then maybe you are at the correct place.

*belly fat is always reduced in kitchen.
unless you have a control on your diet excersice is never going to help you lose belly fat.

First and foremost thing you need to do is

# Developing a Mindset that from now on you will do your level best to be in shape because you wont be getting ripped in just a month or two so patience and consistency is much needed.


1. Reduce excessive sugar intake.(Don't stop it completely but reduce its amount from your regular         intake amount )
2. Reduce eating fast food.(Once in a while is ok to have).
3. Consuming clean and healthy food. (as much as possible ).
4. Exercise.

#EXERCISES. (Easy to perform at home)

Everyone is nowadays aware what exercises he/she needs to perform in order to reduce belly fat its just people often get tired after not getting results so firstly, patience is the key.

1. Skipping.      :  It is the best exercise to burn a hell lot of calories. It burns more  than  10-15 calories a minute while strengthens your legs, butt, shoulders and  arms.

#Workout Plan.

2. Crunches. :  *Normal Crunches     

                          *Twist Crunches     
                          *Reverse Crunches
                          *Normal Planck
                          *Oblique Planck

                                                  *Each Side           

 * Cycling will also help in getting those abs and if not possible do lying bicycle                                       exercise.
*Walking as much as possible.

#Workout Plan.

Do 10 Reps of Each  and 3 Sets. 

Three consecutive days and forth day rest  & Repeat 

**  Do your best and let me know your result in the comment section below.
                                        STAY FIT STAY HOT


  1. Sir, can you give us some tips on Diet Management? Pls make a blog post on Diet Planning.

    1. Thanks & Keep Supporting.
      Have a look at the following link for your answer:


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